What drives me in Tech

Heya folks,

It has been a long time since I haven't written anything here. I'm pretty sure I have plenty of subjects I could write about, I just need to figure out the one I should pick and write down a couple of words about it.


Wait a second? I was just wondering, what actually drives me in Tech? What is fueling me on a daily basis and why am I happy to get to work whatever the purpose, for the 9-5 job or for the fun when I have a little bit of time to work on the many side projects all developers are starting but where they never get in production.

Honestly, that's a good question, and I believe I have a glimpse of an answer to that. Tech is gigantic, I don't believe it has a limit as it has a variety of fields, but I believe what drives me the most is the following.

I'm a Cartesian, I have an engineering degree and I once loved mathematics, and I believe I always loved solving things the smart way. Always been interested in tackling something with an elegant and smart solution, and I believe programming and tech are all about that.

However, I could have asked myself where that inner power is coming from when you realize after almost a decade it's still there. I believe to me it's all about the passion, but this is a vague term; it does not speak about something which is concrete. I also think the other part of the magic is about being an infinite learner. As an engineer, a developer, a programmer, a scientist, you always have unknowns, but you also have a skillset of basics; the alchemy happens through the solving journey. You'll have business needs solved by techniques, technology, and a myriad of tools to help achieve that. All of that will take into consideration your basics, and obviously because you don't know everything, you'll learn in the meantime. I do believe I also love that aspect of working on something that is always new to me, where I'll bring value to an end-user. There is another aspect of that, maximizing the time you spend. I believe I'm lucky working in such an industry.

I'm not saying your work should be your passion. There are a lot of people that are in IT and are not especially passionate about it, and that's totally fine. You definitely don't have to be. Nevertheless, when it comes to talking about myself, this is how it feels to me.

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